Isenção de responsabilidade jurídica
The information and explanations provided on this page are for general and non-specific purposes only when it comes to drafting your own Terms and Conditions documents. You should not rely on this article as legal advice or recommendations on what you should actually do, as we cannot know in advance what specific terms you wish to establish between your company and your customers and visitors. We recommend that you seek legal advice if you need help understanding and drafting your own Terms and Conditions.
Terms and Conditions - basic notions
That said, Terms and Conditions (“T&C”) are a set of legally binding terms set by you, as the owner of this website. The T&C establish the legal framework that governs the activities of website visitors, or your customers, during their visit to or interaction with this website. The intent of the T&C is to establish the legal relationship between website visitors and you, the website owner.
The T&Cs should be established according to the specific needs and nature of each website. For example, a website that offers products to customers through e-commerce transactions should have T&Cs that are different from the T&Cs of a website that offers only information (such as a blog, a home page that redirects to others, and so on).
T&Cs give you, as the website owner, the ability to protect yourself from potential legal exposure. However, this may differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, so seek local legal advice if you wish to protect yourself from legal exposure.
What to include in the T&C document
Em termos gerais, os T&C costumam regular as seguintes questões: quem pode usar o site; as formas de pagamento possíveis; uma declaração de que o proprietário do site pode alterar as suas ofertas no futuro; os tipos de garantia que o proprietário do site dá para os seus clientes; uma referência a questões de propriedade intelectual ou copyright, quando relevante; o direito do proprietário do site de suspender ou cancelar a conta de um membro; e muito mais.
Para saber mais a respeito, confira o nosso artigo.