Legal Disclaimer
The information and explanations provided on this page are for general and non-specific purposes only regarding how to draft your own Privacy Policy documents. You should not rely on this article as legal advice or recommendations on what you should actually do, as we cannot know in advance what specific privacy policies you wish to establish between your company and your customers and visitors. We recommend that you seek legal advice if you need help understanding and creating your own Privacy Policy.
Privacy Policy - fundamental notions
Dito isso, uma política de privacidade é uma declaração que comunica algumas ou todas as formas como um site coleta, usa, divulga, processa e administra os dados de seus visitantes e clientes. Geralmente inclui também uma declaração relativa ao compromisso do site em proteger a privacidade dos seus visitantes ou clientes, e um esclarecimento sobre os diferentes mecanismos que o site implementa a fim de proteger a privacidade.
Different jurisdictions have different legal obligations regarding what must be included in a Privacy Policy. You are responsible for complying with the legislation relevant to your activities and location.
What to include in the Privacy Policy
In general terms, the Privacy Policy usually regulates the following issues: the types of information the website is collecting and the way in which it collects the data; a clarification of why the website is collecting these types of information; what the website's practices are regarding sharing information with third parties; ways in which its visitors and customers can exercise their rights under the relevant privacy legislation; specific practices regarding the collection of data from minors; and much more.
To learn more about this, check out our article .